

syntaxgym is supported for Windows, OS X, and Linux systems. It wraps around the LM Zoo standard, which requires Docker to run language model images.


You can install syntaxgym using the Python package manager pip:

pip install -U syntaxgym

Define your first test suite

Next, we’ll define a simple test suite: an experiment which tests a language model’s knowledge of some grammatical phenomenon. The below test suite tests knowledge of English subject–verb number agreement.

For more information on the structure of SyntaxGym test suites, see The SyntaxGym architecture. The JSON standard for test suites is documented in Test suite JSON representation.

    "meta": {"name": "Sample subject--verb suite", "metric": "sum"},
    "predictions": [{"type": "formula", "formula": "(2;%mismatch%) > (2;%match%)"}],
    "region_meta": {"1": "Subject NP", "2": "Verb", "3": "Continuation"},
    "items": [
        "item_number": 1,
        "conditions": [
          {"condition_name": "match",
           "regions": [{"region_number": 1, "content": "The woman"},
                       {"region_number": 2, "content": "plays"},
                       {"region_number": 3, "content": "the guitar"}]},
          {"condition_name": "mismatch",
           "regions": [{"region_number": 1, "content": "The woman"},
                       {"region_number": 2, "content": "play"},
                       {"region_number": 3, "content": "the guitar"}]}

Run evaluations

Now we’ll evaluate the performance of a language model on our new test suite.

Pick a language model

SyntaxGym interfaces with LM Zoo language models. We can pick any language model, then, from the LM Zoo registry. If you’re interested in evaluating your own language model in SyntaxGym, you’ll first need to prepare a model image under the LM Zoo standard. For more information, see the LM Zoo documentation.

We’ll use the model gpt2 as an example here.

Command line usage

You can run evaluations using the syntaxgym command-line tool. The evaluation will return per-item prediction results given a particular language model.

$ syntaxgym run gpt2 my_suite.json
suite                           prediction_id   item_number     result
Sample subject--verb suite      0               1               True

The run command outputs a tab-separated list of per-item results on the test suite.

Python API usage

We can also trigger evaluations from Python scripts. For example, to replicate the above evaluation:

from lm_zoo import get_registry
from syntaxgym import compute_surprisals, evaluate

# Retrieve an LM Zoo ``Model`` instance for GPT2
model = get_registry()["gpt2"]

# Compute region-level surprisal data for our suite.
suite = compute_surprisals(model, "my_suite.json")

# Check predictions given the suite containing surprisals. This returns a
# Pandas data frame by default.
results = evaluate(suite)
